Borders which are either in dispute, undefined, de facto, or which have yet to be internationally agreed are indicated as follows:
Freehand files: By use of PURPLE colored border lines instead of the magenta color used for undisputed borders.
Illustrator files: By use of PURPLE colored border lines instead of the magenta color used for undisputed borders.
TIFF files: Country masks.
Where possible, the area in dispute is included as part of the country which, at the time of publication, was deemed to have administration over disputed area. In such cases the disputed area is indicated by a standard width border line separating it from the main country body. Thus it can be indentified, and, depending on the application you use, can be deleted, re-assigned to another country mask, or colored differently.
For example, the disputed 'triangular' area at the junction of Kenya, Sudan, and Ethiopia (map 1.01 Africa) is under Kenyan administration. Therefore, we have included this area in the Kenya Country Mask, which has a “border” line indicating both its existence and location.
Other areas to be particularly aware of are...
Israel/West Bank/Gaza Strip.
Surinam/French Guiana (South America).
Northern Pakistan/Northern India/China.
Nagorno Karabakh/Armenia
Cartography and Boundary Analysis Division
Office of the Geographer and Global Issues Dept., Department of State, Washington DC
The International Boundaries Research Unit, Durham, United Kingdom